We’ve reached past the mid-point of winter here, although the ice seems to be here to stay for a while! This is the time of year where we’re busy getting everything ready for the season. Actually, all things start before the last season is even over, but during the depths of winter, we spend a lot of time in our cacti and succulent greenhouse transplanting and potting and propagating all those goodies to be ready in time for the spring season. We do occasionally have customers that would like to make a purchase in the winter season, and we kindly ask that you give us a call first to schedule a time to come out as we’re not always here in our “off” season. Other things that are happening are seed starting! We have lots of those going strong under lights and plumping up for the big spring transplant that will happen in March/April. The Helleborus are slowly coming alive in our perennial greenhouse though with the cold and clouds it will be a bit more before they show their colors. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to spring as much as we are!