On the Cusp of Fall

I’ve caught a scent of fall in the air and a glimpse of fall clouds in the sky. Noticing a few leaves changing slightly prematurely… We cant say we’re sad to see summer leave as it’s felt like a long one with all the worlds challenges and new way of going about things. Plus, its been extremely hot! For the heat loving flowers though, if given enough water, they have thrived. Now that we have had rain, and its become a bit cooler out, were anxious to get out and get some plants in the ground and a jump start on our spring ideas. September is a great time to plant shrubs and perennials, with plenty of time for roots to establish before the winter. We still have a great selection of perennials and some lovely hydrangeas showing their late summer coloring. Our hours are adjusted a bit for fall so please check before you come! We will be closed on Monday, Labor Day.